
Motivation, hard work, good luck, and enthusiasm are the pledge of success. Despite the fact that the majority of people associate success with money, it is directly connected with the feeling of satisfaction. Success involves several essential aspects of happiness, especially physical and spiritual health, emotional and, finally, material well-being. Taking into account the fact that numerous singers, dancers, and rappers are classified as successful people, the given paper aims to shed light on the brilliant career and fortune of 50 Cent in the sphere of music and business.

Life and Rap career

Taking into consideration the biographic data of 50 Cent, it is important to note that Curtis James Jackson III is not only a recognized rapper but a successful actor, investor as well as an entrepreneur (McKellop). Regardless the fact that 50 Cent faced numerous problems in the past as the rapper participated in distribution of drugs during the “crack epidemic” in the 1980s, his “addiction” to music motivated him to overcome himself and move forward towards his dream. At present, 50 Cent is one of the most prosperous and, at the same time, best-selling rappers in the world. Curtis Jackson successfully survived failure on the way to success and gained worldwide recognition (McKellop). For example, in 1994, while drug dealing and possession, he was forced to spend some time in the correctional boot camp. However, this bitter life experience did not obstruct him on the way to worldwide fame. In other words, difficult childhood, mother’s death, and drug dealing did not ruin the willpower of this famous man (McKellop). Rap career may be compared to a so-called orientation point that motivated 50 Cent not to give up and fight to the end. At present, an estimated net worth of 50 Cent is equal to $140 million (McKellop).

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Despite the fact that many people claim that success and fame of 50 Cent are almost unreal, Curtis Jackson’s story is incredibly inspiring. There are numerous convincing proofs that explain the unprecedented success of 50 Cent as a worldwide renowned rapper as well as a great entrepreneur (Hamm).

  • To begin with, it is rather important to note that 50 Cent never forgets about hard work. According to the point of view of 50 Cent, this rule is the most reliable because persistent work will definitely be rewarded in a certain moment of people’s life.
  • Secondly, intense realism is considered to be the second key to success. Robert Greene, the coauthor of the book The 50th Law expresses the idea that 50 Cent has a unique ability to assess real-world situations in an appropriate way and make conclusions about significance of these situations in the competitive business world (Hamm). 50 Cent claims that people who want to succeed in future should focus on their experiences while starting a new business, because experience gives people the chance to find the way out of the worst situations. Life, as 50 Cent believes, is a game, therefore experience is not a waste of time, but a valuable source of knowledge and the unique opportunity to avoid life traps and mistakes.
  • Thirdly, the rapper assures that successful people should take up space in the world. In other words, great confidence, risk-taking, and, finally, fearless behavior have influenced the success of 50 Cent (Hamm). 50 Cent is a unique person because he hides his fears, skepticism, and doubt in front of large business moguls. Besides, 50 Cent is an ambitious and courageous rapper that acts as a leader in the business world.
  • Finally, friends of 50 Cent confess that he is an incredibly patient person who has succeeded in overcoming discouragement and failures (Hamm).

During the interview with 50 Cent about his extraordinary success, he claims that he followed numerous “rules” that helped him to push his fortunes. With more than 30 million albums sold during his brilliant career, this famous man has encouraged thousands of people around the globe not to give up despite numerous difficulties. Taking into account the point of view of Evan Carmichael, 50 Cent is a unique person who started from the very bottom and with the course of time rose to the top of success, fame, wealth, and fortune.

Thus, the most significant rules that gave the rapper the chance to surpass himself are as follows (Hamm):

  • hard work;
  • enthusiasm;
  • consideration and assessment of past gains and mistakes;
  • understanding that money is not the only measurement of success;
  • pursuing own dreams;
  • being ready to accept the risk;
  • having good sense of humor;
  • being ready to give back (Hamm).

According to the estimations of 50 Cent, he as a rapper has managed to make his rap career, and, consequently, musical success because he never gives up. In one of his recent interviews, 50 Cents gives certain recommendations or “tips” to people who are willing to achieve success in their life (Western). First of all, 50 Cent claims that the only voice that really matters is yours. In other words, the rapper assures that disbelief and doubts prevent people from moving forward. Secondly, 50 Cent confesses that he has always tried to reinvent himself because this unique feature provides him the excellent chance to adapt to changing conditions of the business environment. In such a way, so-called “reinvention” will offer a chance to every enthusiast to be tuned-in and go with the times (Western). Thirdly, the rapper claims that successful people should not compromise their character. In simple words, the rapper assures that in case family, friends, and relatives say that one’s dreams are unrealistic, people should ignore them because they will definitely fail to reach their dreams with such “reliable” support (Western). Fourthly, the rapper states that he has always kept working. 50 Cent believes that things will always go wrong in case laziness exceeds attempts and work. Persistence, confidence in personal strengths, and enthusiasm will give people the chance to achieve greatness. Fifthly, 50 Cent confesses that he has devoted his entire life to his dreams (Western). For instance, the phrase “get rich or die trying” is considered to be the life credo of 50 Cent. Moreover, it is extremely important to note the fact that this distinguished rapper states the death should motivate people instead of crippling them. For instance, during one of the interviews, 50 Cent says that when he nearly died, it made him think that it could happen again any second (Western). Consequently, he made a decision to live like he had never lived before. In other words, nothing should stop people on their way to success. So, people should not be bored and do nothing because the time of every person is limited. Therefore, 50 Cent claims that people who dream about money, success, and happiness should make progress towards their inner goals, travel, get new experiences, and meet new people (Western).

The famous rapper affirms that he has managed to combat boredom and laziness. He assures that many people in this world are unhappy because they fail to cope with boredom (Western). Finally, 50 Cent, one of the wealthiest celebrities in the world of music, is convinced that every negative experience is actually a positive one because failure has nothing in common with a total loss. On the contrary, failure should be understood as an inevitable element or part of the success that drastically increases the chances of people to do things the right way (Western).
Having determined, analyzed, and assessed successes and fortunes of 50 Cent in the sphere of music and entrepreneurship, I would like to stress that the biography of 50 Cent has really inspired me. Despite the fact that I am not a professional who can judge such a well-known personality as 50 Cent, and criticize his successes as well as failures in music and financial spheres, I believe that 50 Cent is a “created person”. In other words, I am a proponent of the idea that heritability and genes have nothing in common with his tremendous success and global recognition. On the contrary, I am convinced that he “created” himself, his fame, and wealth with the help of his desire, enthusiasm, stubborn character, and well-developed leadership traits. To be honest, I think that 50 Cent does not set restrictions and limitations on what he can achieve.

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Consequently, he has succeeded in becoming a wealthy entrepreneur, actor, singer, and rapper because he never places limits on himself and his strengths. He is a self-reliant and confident person who has become his own boss. Finally, I would like to sum up that I extremely appreciate his commitment to his work, engagement with his fans or followers, and, finally his philanthropy. Despite his financial problems and numerous imperfections, I believe that 50 Cent is one of the brightest examples of renowned celebrities who took pains in order to gain unbelievably enormous musical and business successes. To be honest, if I had an opportunity, I would do nothing differently on the stage of hip hop and finance because I absolutely agree to the decisions of 50 Cent. In other words, I believe that enormous success of this rapper in the spheres of business and music may be explained by the right decisions he made. Thus, in my opinion, he was not mistaken when he decided to combine rapper career with entrepreneurship, investments, and, finally, philanthropy.

I suppose that such recommendations of 50 Cent as finding huge opportunities even in failures, keeping the flow moving, respecting process as well as experience, disregarding the limits, and, finally, confronting the mortality may be followed by every person who is willing to exceed all expectations. To sum up, I would like to emphasize that I admire this personality because he is a kind and caring person who is ready to share his wealth with the world. In other words, I deeply appreciate his philanthropy and hope that 50 Cent does not do it with the purposes of advertising, but to help poor and destitute people feeling the need in his financial assistance.

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