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Order-Essays Reviews: True Things About Us

Nowadays, there is a wide variety of online custom writing companies. If you decide to order a custom-written paper for the first time of your life, you may come up with a challenging question: “How to choose a trustworthy company?” One of the best strategies is to read Order-Essays.com testimonials on the company’s website. It is natural that you cannot be sure whether the company will meet your expectations if you know nothing on how it works. Therefore, reading Order-Essays reviews from the company’s clients is the best way to get trustworthy information about the services.

When it comes to the content and quality of Order-Essays testimonials, you will see that they may be strikingly different and mixed. Actually, it is perfectly normal because there are different clients and some of them are overly demanding. However, pay attention to the overall percentage of positive Order-Essays reviews. Depending on forums and blog posts, you will find completely different customers’ stories.

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Customer's Feedback

Story of my disappointment: WHY I've ordered at another service.
Dear team of Order-Essays.com,

Now, I’d like to share my story of returning to you (let’s call it this way; though I would’ve called it “No pay, no gain” or “You get exactly what you pay for”. It can be either money or energy, time, and nerves - you choose). Yet, let the story begin.

Not so long ago, I ordered a paper for my class from another custom writing company, which was quite an odious experience. And by saying “odious”, I really mean it! The thing that frustrated me as a customer the most was the amount of time and effort I had to spend to place and then get my order done at all. Though later, I became, so to say, “deeply concerned” about its quality (well, I have other words in mind, but I doubt that my feedback will ever get posted if I use actual f-words to describe everything that happened).

Yet, let’s get back on track with the whole story. So, at that time I was short on money and while searching for a cheap writing company I stumbled upon an online service with a nice website and very sweet prices. I thought “screw it, it’s worth giving a try! Prices are low, so I can check it”. Little did I know… And, thanks God, it wasn’t a last minute assignment to submit.

First, I spent quite some time simply trying to figure out how to place an order as there were no hints explaining how the system works. Being already puzzled, I wanted to get help from their live chat, but ta-dam - there was NO Support available. Fine, I accepted the challenge and eventually registered and placed my order, or I thought so because I did not receive any welcoming email on my registration nor any confirmation of my order placement. There was only silence even after I paid for the order. At some moment I panicked that I might have done smth wrong while ordering, but still there was no one on the other side to help me and simply say “hi, we received your order, wait for the writer to work on it”. Only later, after receiving several bids to work on my order, I realized that no support will answer and that it was me to do the whole work on finding the writer.

So, the next challenge in this quest was to choose a writer. For this, I had to read a bunch of offers from different writers who were willing to write my paper. But how in the world could I choose if I never saw a paper they did nor knew about their experience? Well, there were reviews and ratings in writers’ profiles that gave some insights about what to expect from that or another writer. So again, I spent quite some time on reviewing the bids and writers’ profiles, choosing the one I thought to be suitable, and then discussing the details with the chosen writer. But heck, it took so much time! At that point, I caught myself thinking that I would have written it faster by myself. Why in the world should it be so hard to buy a paper?

After numerous messages to and from my writer, I did receive my paper in time and, well okay, it was not a complete failure, at least at the first glance. Still, I had to revise it to make it the way I needed. But that wasn’t the end. Just when I was submitting it online, I received a report on plagiarism and AI, which showed that almost 40% of the paper was suspected to be AI-generated - that was smth I did not see coming! At that point, I had just 1 hour left to submit the paper! Thus, I ended up rewriting a big part of it myself. Well, I deserved that, I guess. That’s what you get when you want to pay less for smth that cannot possibly be that cheap.

So, guys, with you and Order-Essays.com I had a completely different experience. I never had a problem placing an order as I could talk to your support and they would always answer and help me. But the most pleasant thing, as I see it now, is that you take care of the whole process - finding the most suitable writer and making the paper perfect. Sure, sometimes I asked for revisions, but it was the writer to revise my paper and not me. I guess, my quest is over and you can take it as the “return of the prodigal son”. But I learned a lesson: good service and quality, and thus, peace of mind, cost money. And that’s not a thing to save on!


C.V., Boston


My AI-Written Essay Was an Epic Fail…

I needed an essay in nursing and wanted to save time and money but using ChatGPT was a bad idea. It produced false information and I got tired of checking and correcting every statement. I also had to add sources and saw several plagiarized sentences. To improve the situation, I asked a professional writer for help. They then sent me a rewritten paper and it was so much better. I am so happy! Thank you for the amazing job:-)


Bern, Stockholm


I will be asking my writer at your essay site to write my papers for me. I don’t know how I can manage my academic writing requirements without her. Thank you!


Ion, Salzburg


I have definitely impressed my professor who had a lot of positive feedback for my reflective essay. Can I come back again for more work with you? I would like more work with A grades, please.


Kris A., Kentucky


There was a teeny weeny correction I had to make on the reference list but the rest of the work was so much more than I expected in terms of writing style and research approach. All the instructions I gave were followed to the letter.  I have endorsed this essay service to friends and acquaintance who will surely appreciate your help.


Peter, USA


I had a great time collaborating with my writer. What we were able to produce together was an outstanding book report. He attended to my queries with admirable patience. My friends should definitely be introduced to your service and this writer.


Roy, Australia


It’s amazing how my writer was able to write the paper with my writing style. I could have sworn I was the one who wrote it.  Is ESP part of your services? Kidding aside, you have exceeded my expectations because of your excellent writing and awesome style.


William, Belfast


I got a high marks for the comparison essay my writer prepared for me. This also means I will be hiring you for more work in the future.


Jayson, UK


It passed the plagiarism checker. Initially, I thought I had some hits but those were the other materials that you cited. Overall, you gave me an all-original paper that’s very good


Danny, LA


It was a very difficult job so I could not possibly complain about the slight delay. The completed paper was so much better than I expected it to be given the complexity of the subject.

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