

Since the inception of American film and the rise of Hollywood, the result has had a large influence on tourism, fashion and cinema worldwide. Research shows that tourism trends have been continuously increasing due to the influence from film, and more and more tourists are making their travel plans based on what they see in movies. Tourism marketers are increasingly identifying the importance of films and using it as an avenue for marketing their tourism packages and services. Tourism that is induced by film is gradually rising and is considered a very good strategy for marketing destinations to potential tourists (Blaha, 2012). However, there is very little research showing just how much film induces every aspect of tourism.

This survey intends to collect information from potential tourists about just how much influence film has on their choice of tourism destinations and what they do during these vacations. It includes both open and close-ended questions in order to gather as much data as possible from a varied sample of respondents.

This form of tourism is just one of the activities related to experience in a location. Research shows that people tend to respond to visual forms of marketing, and the more interesting a location is presented the more likely it is to influence a potential tourist to visit that location (Spears, Josiam, Kinley, & Pookulangara, 2013). The locations of movies appeal to tourists very much. This is because people like to experience of what it feels like to be in their favorite movies and visiting these locations makes this experience appear more real to them. For example, visiting such locations provides the opportunity to relieve scenes from their favorite movies. They get a chance to recreate the feeling they had while watching their favorite movies. This survey is therefore a very important source of information for tourist facilities and locations that want to tap into this market (Gil, Hudson & Wang, 2011)

Gender (make the appropriate answer)
Marital status
Please, state the country of residence:
Date of visit:
What size is your family?

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On a scale of not likely to very likely, kindly check the appropriate box that describes your answers towards the following statements

How did you reach your tourist destination? (Mark the appropriate answer)

-By bus.
-By car.
-With a major airline.
-With a low-cost airline.
-By train.
-Other. Please mention

Where did you find out about the tourist destination?

-The Internet.
-I had previously been there and wanted to return.
-Relatives and friends.
-Books and guides.
-Fairs or exhibitions.
-Travel agency.
-It was part of travel package.
-Other. Please mention

How often do you watch movies?

-A few times a month
-I never watch movies

Which genre of movies is your most preferred (you may select more than one)

-Science fiction

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Have you ever heard of tourism that is induced by film?


How often do you travel to various tourist destinations?

-A few times a year
-Once a year

What are your main reasons for travelling; you can choose more than one option for your answer.

-Resting and relaxation
-Visiting friends and relatives
-Religious purposes
-Health reasons
-Educational reasons e.g. seminars, conferences and congresses
-Other. Please mention

Rate the significance of the aspects listed in the table below based on how much they influence your choice in vacation location. Circle the number based on the degree of influence.

Very Significant
Not significant
Not significant at all

-Nature and landscape
-Sporting activities
-Good urban setting
-Good/ affordable accommodation
-Good services
-Others. Please mention

Have you ever travelled to a location specifically because you saw it in a movie?


(If yes, please indicate the name of the location and the movie it was featured in.)

Below are some statements which refer to some of the most common sources of information on tourist destinations. For each statement, indicate your most common/trusted source of tourist destination information, with 1 indicating the least common and 5 as the most common.

Least common (1-5 points)/Most common (1-5 points)

-The internet
-Television shows movies
-Travel agency
-Books and guide books
-Friends and relatives
-Others. Please mention

How much influence do movies have on your choice of accommodation?

Rate each choice from the most probable choice to the least probable choice with one as the least probable and five indicating the most probable.

Least likely (1-5 points)/Most likely (1-5 points)

-Time-sharing houses
-Private houses
-Others. Please mention

How much influence do movies have on your decision to purchase souvenirs?

Rate each choice from the most likely choice to the least likely choice with 1 being the least likely and 5 being the most likely.

Least likely/Most likely

Please indicate which activities you would be most interested in as vacation experience (you can pick more than one option)

Visiting the set of a movie
Visiting the location of movie
Doing a tour of a movie
Attending the premier of a film during vacation
Attending a film festival during vacation
Visiting a theme park based on a film during vacation

Have you visited any movie location?


(If not, would you have been interested in visiting a film location?)

If currently, there is not theme park based on a particular film that you enjoy, would you be interested in visiting it if it did exist?


Would you have been interested in having a film tour?


Do you know the location where any of the movies were filed?


(If yes, kindly name one particular location which was featured in the film and state where you discovered it)

Below are statements that refer to general image of tourist destination. For every statement kindly indicate to which extent you agree with it. “1” indicates that you wholly disagree with it, and “5” indicates you completely agree.

I totally agree/I do not disagree (1-5 points)

1. I believe most individuals have positive opinions concerning tourist destination.
2. The employees at the tourist area are friendly to the visitors.
3. The tourist location has a unique picture.
4. I believe the tourist destination is popular because of a film.
5. The employees at the tourist destination put their guests first at all times.
6. The tourist location respects the natural environment.

The next group of questions shows the expenses connected with the stay at the tourist destination. Therefore, for every subsequent statement kindly indicate to what extent you accept them, “1” shows that you completely disagree and demonstrates “5” that you wholly agree with statement.

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I totally agree/I do not disagree (1-5 points)

1. Booking at the tourist destination was simple.
2. The cost of half board/B&B/ full board in touristdestination was reasonable.
3. The costs for additional offers at the tourist destination (i.e. cost of drink and food, prices of the souvenirs, cost of the handcrafted goods, costs of excursions
4. Relaxing and beauty activities were appropriate.

This area of questionnaire shows the feelings and conception of how worth you put into your stay at the tourist destination. For each of the following, please indicate to what degree you valued your stay. “1” means you totally disagree and means “5” you totally accept the statement.

I totally agree/I do not disagree (1-5 points)

1. The whole experience of staying at the tourist destination was very precious to me.
2. I gained a lot of experiences and new knowledge in this tourist destination.
3. Visiting the tourist destination was worth the money paid.

Listed below are the components which you consider when selecting a tourist destination. Therefore, I would request that you assess them twice. First, kindly show HOW IMPORTANT each of these components is to you when selecting the tourist location (general) (rate them on a scale of 1 to 5 with “1” indicating totally unimportant to “5” meaning very significant). For the following step, I ask you to indicate on scale 1 – 5 the degree to which you agree with phrases that the components are EXCEPTIONAL or the EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH STAGE at the tourist destination (“1” means – I totally disagree, “5” – I totally agree).


-Totally unimportant
-Very important
-I don’t know
-I completely disagree
-I completely agree
-I don’t know


1.Personal security and safety.
2.The tourist destination can be reached easily
3.General cleanliness of destination.
4.Climate conditions
5.Visiting theme parks (e.g. Disney).
6. Variety of Cultural or historical monuments (architecture, customs and tradition)
7.The quality of the accommodation (motel, hotel, apartment)
8.The friendliness of local people.
9.Management of local transportation services.
10.The offer of local cuisine.
11.Possibilities for shopping at theme-film motels.
12.Opportunity for relaxation.
13.Nightlife or entertainment.
14.Availability of the sporting facilities and recreational activities.
15.Offer of cultural events.
16. Wellness offers.
17.Thermal spa offers.
18.Gambling at film-themed hotel/casinos.

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