The Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM) aims to further the practice and study of Qualitative Research.
QRAM’s objectives can be summarized as follows:
- to promote qualitative research
- to act as a clearing house for the dissemination of information on trends and development in qualitative research methodology and practices
- to assist researchers and practitioners in qualitative research
to exchange ideas, experience and resources - to facilitate collaboration
The association hopes to attract academicians, professionals, researchers and research students who order my essay online from various disciplines to join as members. QRAM members are encouraged to engage in the on-going discourse on qualitative research as a valuable mode of inquiry.
QRAM hopes to act as a platform for its members to participate in challenging intellectual discussions on conducting qualitative research. It aims to provide its members with opportunities to exchange information and ideas on research in general, and qualitative research in particular.
QRAM is now on Facebook. We have created an FB account for QRAM Qram Myqraorg. With the account, the Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM) FB Group was created. Please check them.
QRAM was officially registered on 4th September 2002 with the Registrar of Societies under Section 7 of the 1966 Securities Act.
The three earthy and natural colors of QRAM’s logo – Blue, Matte Gold and Copper – reflect the approach in qualitative research that is friendly and naturalistic. It is about real-life contexts that deal with people and places as well as multiple realities .
The Two Evolving Circles symbolize growth and development that are both integrated and not isolated.
“Q” stands for Qualitative Research that is a holistic and integrated approach.
“R” stands for Research that is willing to explore beyond the qualitative and remain open to new ideas and ventures.
Professor Dr. Marohaini Yusoff was the Founding President of QRAM. The association’s inaugural meeting was held on 10 May 2003 that was attended by a group of twenty academics from various universities all over Malaysia.
A pro-tem committee, headed by Professor Marohaini, was set up to facilitate the registration process and to plan the association’s initial programme of activities.
QRAM’s First Annual General Meeting
The first AGM was held on 19 October 2002 after the announcement of the official registration of the association.
Professor Dr. Marohaini Yusoff was unanimously elected as the President of the pro-tem committee.
Today QRAM exists due to the inspiration of its first founding president.
QRAM is interdisciplinary. Qualitative researchers come from a range of disciplines including sociology, health, education, history, occupational therapy, psychology, social work, business, anthropology, counseling, management, hospitality and tourism, criminology, speech communication and many others.
Members have the opportunity to learn from other disciplines in their use of qualitative methodology through QRAM’s national seminars, workshops and international conventions. These activities provide
members opportunities to exchange ideas and information on research in general, and qualitative research in particular.
QRAM members benefit among others the following:
- Professional Development
- Participation in Workshops, National Seminars and International Conventions at Special Rates
- Consultation
- Updates on Qualitative Research
We hope to keep you up to date with what’s happening in Qualitative Research through Publications and Conventions, at the local and international scene.
Networking Opportunities
Share your research experience with other qualitative practitioners through QRAM’s biennial international Convention and many other events including national seminars and workshops that offer opportunities to network.
Who can be a member?
QRAM membership is open to all doing using Qualitative Research and who is interested in the practice of qualitative research.
Aims and Scope
The Malaysian Journal of Qualitative Research (MJQR) is a biennial publication of the Qualitative Research Association of Malaysian (QRAM). It is unique in that it aims to publish high-quality research that addresses issues and insights on qualitative research disciplines ranging from the social sciences and management sciences to science and technology.
The aims of MJQR are:
- * To promote and enhance the understanding of qualitative research and its applications.
- * To serve as a platform for a forum on the fundamental topics of qualitative research, including matters of ethics.
- * To facilitate the sharing of ideas and critical problems faced by qualitative researchers and practitioners.
- * To provide an avenue for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas on the practical applications of qualitative research.
MJQR aims to have a balanced selection of manuscripts that are theoretical, empirical, research-based and “practice-oriented”.
The journal welcomes several types of contributions: reports of original empirical investigations, and replications or extensions of important previous work; critical, integrative theoretical work, methodological contributions and book reviews. A preference, however, will be given to empirical studies.
Guidelines for Submission of Articles
Guidelines for preparing manuscripts
1. Format. Article should be submitted in quadruplicate to the Editor. Manuscripts must be typed using New Times Roman (Font 12) on one side of an A4 page only and all parts must be double-spaced with 5 cm margins. Authors are to submit both hard and soft copies of the manuscript. Editors cannot accept the responsibility for damage to or loss of manuscripts submitted.
Manuscripts will not be considered for publication if they have been published before or if they are under review by another journal or publisher. Papers accepted for publication must not be published elsewhere without the consent of the Editor and Publishers.
Disks must be clearly marked with the following information: Operating system; disk format (e.g. DS/DD); word processor used, including version number; authors’ names; short title of article. Please ensure that the disk file exactly matches the accompanying printout. The hard-copy will be considered as the definitive version.
The journal will only accept papers submitted in English. All manuscripts are requested to be prepared in accordance with the journal’s style, which is outlined below.
2. Length. The length of an article should be between 5000 and 7000 words inclusive of all documents (table, illustrations, bibliographies as well as appended texts).
3. Title Page Affiliations. The title page should carry the title, the author(s)’ name(s) and affiliations and their affiliated institution(s). In the case of a long title, an abbreviated version of no more than 40 characters (including spaces) should be supplied by the author for running heads.
Enclose a coloured passport size photograph and a brief biographical note of the author(s) with a corresponding address.
4. Abstract. Provide an abstract of 200 – 250 words on the first page of the first hard copy.
5. Figures, Tables and Illustrations. Each should be clearly titled and numbered consecutively. All visual presentations including photographs, illustrations, tables, charts, diagrams, etc. must be camera ready for immediate reproduction. All original figures or glossy should be provided. A list of the figure, tables and illustrations captions should be typed on separate sheets at the end of the manuscripts.
6. Headings. Headings are as illustrated:
Field Research: An Introduction
(Major divisions, placed at center, in bold)
Types of Field Research
(Major subdivisions, placed at margin)
Participant observation
(Subdivisions, placed at the margin)
Advantageous and disadvantageous
(Subdivisions, placed at the margin, in italics)
7. Notes. Endnotes may be used but avoid footnotes.
8. References. Please adhere to the instructions provided for citations in text and the bibliography.
In text. The author(s)’ name(s) and date of publication should be given, e.g. (Jones, 1975); for quotations (Jones & Smith, 1974, p.79).
In references. References should be cited as illustrated below. References to articles and chapters in edited books should be as shown in the examples below.
Marohaini Yusoff (Ed.). (2004). Composing behaviors and processes of secondary school students. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
Woods, P. (2001). Successful writing for qualitative researchers. London: Routlege Falmer.
Ely, M., Vinz, R., Downing, M. & Anzul, M. (1997). On writing qualitative research. London: The Falmer Press.
Ely, M., Anzul, M., Friedman, T., Gardner, D. et al. (1999). Doing qualitative research: Circle within circle. London: The Falmer Press.
Chapter in Book
Denzin, N.K. (1994). The art and politics of interpretation. In Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S. (Eds.), Handbook for qualitative research, (pp.485-500). California: Sage Publications.
Journal Article
Ball, S.J. (1990). Self-doubt and soft data: Social and technical trajectories in ethnographic fieldwork. Qualitative Studies in Education, 3, pp.157-171.
Unpublished Thesis/Dissertation
Samuel, M. (1992). The social construction of text: A study of two contrasting pedagogies. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Hoepfl, M.C. (1997). Choosing qualitative research: A primer for technology education researchers. Journal of Technology Education, 9 (1). Retrieved on 12th
April, 2005 from
Paper Presentations
Loughran, J.J., & Gunstone, R.F. (1996). Self-study in teaching and research. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, April 1996.
Alina Simon. (11 September 2003). Education: A call to the corporate sector. New Straits Times, p. 8.
9. Use of Language. Authors are responsible for delivering their paper in English (British spelling). Authors are also reminded that they are writing for an international audience and advised to avoid colloquialisms and sexist language.
10. Proofreading and Corrections. Proofs will be sent to the author (first-named author if no corresponding author is identified on multi-authored papers) and should be returned within the specified time given, preferably by email.
Corrections should be restricted to typesetting errors. Authors are requested to answer all queries in full. Subsequent additional corrections will not be possible, so please ensure that your first communication is complete.
11. Refereeing Procedure. A minimum of two referees as well as the editor will review each manuscript. The refereeing process may take up a minimum of two months from the date of receipt. Manuscripts that require extensive review may take more than two months.