chat gpt for essay writing Sofia Woodstone Writer
Sofia Woodstone
Content strategist and writer

After the viral launch of ChatGPT, paper writing AI was embraced by many at once and viewed as an incredible step forward to innovative studying and writing. It is estimated that over 100 million people used the chat in February 2023, and the numbers continue to multiply, which is a record for the tech industry. Such overwhelming acceptance is also balanced by concerns regarding the potential of AI to produce quality content and undermine the principles of authenticity. In academia, many wonder whether ChatGPT and similar AI tools can complete an essay that deserves a high grade or does it decrease chances of academic success by producing average responses to prompts.

What Is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence tool that OpenAI introduced in 2022. It was developed based on GPT-3 and is regarded as the most sophisticated chat in the line of AI software yet. Students use ChatGPT as AI for writing essays mainly, but it is so much more than this.

Unlike AI writing GPT and other similar instruments, the new chat is a great tool that shows the potential of AI to do different types of work using statistics, reinforcement learning patterns, and supervised learning to produce phrases and sentences to complete several tasks, including but not limited to:

  • Answering direct questions;
  • Writing articles;
  • Summarizing information;
  • Having conversations online;
  • Debugging computer programs;
  • Writing poems and songs;
  • Creating music;
  • Playing games.

Is Artificial Intelligence Content Writing up to a Bad Start?

The ChatGPT can be used for AI article writing and many other purposes. However, it receives criticism from educators, academics, artists, and others. Ethical questions aside, many people need help to trust the information provided by a language machine and would like to limit its use on different websites.

One of the issues is that we do not know how many pages have already been created by AI and posted online, and they are hard to identify. We asked ChatGPT what percentage of texts are written by AI at present. The answer was predictable, indicating that it is difficult to accurately estimate the percentage of such texts. It has also been suggested that no less than 10-15% of content is produced using AI writing assistants online. The chat shared a prognosis according to which we can expect the percentage to increase because AI technologies have become more prevalent and sophisticated.

While some institutions (for instance, the NYC Department of Education) have banned the use of what many have described as the best essay writing AI. There are hundreds of blogs and articles dedicated to the threats and dangers associated with AI writing assistant instruments. As such, regardless of all the potential integrated into ChatGPT, AI writing software is not embraced by everyone due to risks and concerns related to its use.

How Creative Can AI Writing Be? Poems, Speeches, and More?

Content writing AI offers a platform for trying to complete different tasks. Many users challenge ChatGPT to finish different projects looking for weak spots and failures. As such, while AI blog writing efforts are somewhat effective and can serve the purpose of informing readers about simple matters, the AI writing poetry results are below the level of human writing. While such programs are able to use impressive structure and vocabulary, they cannot capture and express the meaning of a poem as well as people do.

Сognitive psychologists, poets, neurobiologists, and others explore whether poem writing AI can have any value in terms of poetic authenticity. They agree that the less sense and form are required, the easier it is for artificial intelligence to generate a poem. However, can it create new content and express unique ideas? Currently, the answer is no.

One of the issues with poetry and poem writing is seen when AI ‘creates’ haiku which is defined as a verse that consists of 17 syllables. Rather than writing haiku, AI searches for existing texts online, can take them to parts and offer poems of seventeen syllables. For instance, the text of one of the Donald Trump’s campaign speeches that were analyzed in the article published by the New York Times was used by AI as an authentic poem:

We’re going to start
winning again, believe me.
We’re going to win.

A similar tendency can be seen in speech writing AI and even letter writing AI. However, ChatGPT is more or less fitted to write letters because they are more structured in comparison with other types of writing. Overall, AI does not create but only imitates and reuses what already is. Often, it is easy to spot such texts because they are even more obvious than the usual cases of plagiarism.

Some scholars compare the fears related to the application of the tool with other emerging technologies that historically were not accepted by everyone at once. Even the introduction of the chalkboard in the nineteenth century has historically been met with suspicion due to its potential to undermine the century-old practice of memorization and oral exams. Thus, we are yet to see the scale of AI content writing and its role in education and other fields. However, there are many limitations at this point in time.

Limitations of AI Paper Writing

Many scholars and teachers urge students to avoid using AI for writing because such assistance is unreliable. Also, teachers can often recognize texts produced by ChatGPT. One of the reasons is that AI has its limits and weak points, and students should know that they use a tool that:

  • Generates simple responses that do not offer insights and new knowledge;
  • Cannot share a personal perspective or a reliable opinion for a book review, movie, or any other pieces under analysis;
  • Only imitates writing and does not understand when something inappropriate has been written;
  • Can be detected by other AI software as indicated by, for instance, Tunitin;
  • Writes texts not higher than for a high school level;
  • It does not include sources that can be used to add to a reference list;
  • Provides inconsistent and sometimes incorrect data (known as artificial intelligence hallucination).

The main factor that should stop students from relying heavily on an AI writing generator is that such tools produce average texts. GP3 AI writing and ChatGPT have no expectations of the rule and use the most predictable words to share common ideas. No person, however, is exactly average. This feature is essential to recognize texts provided by AI. Also, many universities have started to send students warnings indicating that authentic writing is the main criterion of a good paper, and an AI essay writing tool cannot do so.

Professional AI Essay Writers are Better than ChatGPT

Experts, having writing experience and knowledge, can create interesting and unique answers to homework prompts and, unlike AI writing tools, ensure that every text has its informative and academic value. Moreover, students who hire professionals for essay writing and assistance with other assignments can be certain of high-quality papers and do not need to proofread, edit, and reread texts to ensure consistency. Additionally, no benefits of using AI writing tools can be better than human-written articles due to several factors:

  • People have access to a wide range of information, can identify sources that misinform readers, and use their skills to interpret and analyze data in a way that AI cannot.
  • Professionals can prepare content that is opinionated and subjective, which can be a main requirement for reviews and other papers.
  • Experts form insightful examples and can engage readers, leaving a lasting impression.
  • Only people can share genuine personal experiences, while an AI essay writer only paraphrases them.
  • Writers are the best at “authentic writing,” that is the main standard for academic papers and other homework assignment types.

Thus, when students are confused and overburdened with homework, it is a good idea to ask for professional essay writing assistance and order papers online. They can get unique papers that ChatGPT currently needs help to provide. This tendency is especially relevant for writing poetry, speeches, and preparing other creative tasks. The nature of such writing is unpredictable, so it is unique. The nature of AI, however, is also mysterious, and it is yet unclear to what extent it can penetrate the academic and other spheres. For now, at least, human assistance carries more value.

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